- Home - Indo Spanish Chamber of Commerce

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Become a member of Indo – Spanish Chamber of Commerce to get access to niche business knot for doing business in India and in Spain. As a member you can get access to following :

As a Spanish company with a permanent presence in New Delhi, building a strong referral network in India is essential for us. In this regard, joining the chamber was one of the best business decisions we have ever made. The chamber makes this task easy through its well-attended events and member participation. The amount of value they provide to all their members has been impressive. It is easy to see that it is an organization that is run by passionate members and an excellent board team. We are honestly l

The Chamber is all about opportunities. The Indo Spanish Chamber of Commerce is a strong organization with a powerful leadership under Mr. Oscar. The ISCC events offer great networking opportunities with a wide variety of like-minded business people in relaxed surroundings. There is never any ‘hard sell’ from anyone, and they really are a good way of developing business relationships. ISCC has made me most welcome since I joined six months ago, and I’ve been impressed with every event I’ve attended.

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