- LA Design | Industrial Designers UK | Product Design UK | Engineeing Design UK

Description: Industrial design and product development consultancy near to London UK. We specialise in Industrial Design, Engineering Design and User Interface Design.

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One of the UK’s most respected and effective industrial design and product development consultancies International Award Changing the face of a company  > The power to perfrom Ultra high speed charger A new manufacturing paradigm  > International Award One of the UK’s most respected and effective industrial design and product development consultancies

SOME OF OUR CLIENTS RECENT AWARDS ABOUT Why we're different We seamlessly integrate industrial design and innovative engineering to create effective, profitable, award winning product solutions. We understand the complex relationships between people, business, brand and technology.

We meet deadlines, we work to budgets. We craft detailed commercial proposals with authoritative time planning. We understand the cost to manufacture products and the myriad prototyping and production techniques available.