- - A Varied and Detailed Display of Collectable Military Ordnance

Description: Ej's Collectable Ordnance Show & Tell Pages - A Varied and Detailed Display of Collectable Military Ordnance with Technical and Historical Commentary

military (2808) militaria (332) mortar (91) artillery (64) fuze (43) mortars (29) grenade (25) grenades (5) fuzes (3) rifle grenades (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I've had the pleasure of being a member of a small, but knowledgeable, militaria collectors organization and one of the more popular activities we did was "Show and Tell" night. The way this works, a particular theme is announced, members bring related items from their collections, then are provided an opportunity to stand and give a short presentation to the group. These web pages are an extension of that idea.

Passing knowledge on to others is an interesting experience. Aside from possibly inspiring the listener, it also challenges the "teacher". Questions from the audience often are a challenge to one's understanding of the material. I've found the effort to present a subject to a group (or to create a written document) enhances one's own perspective of the subject and is a motivation to continue learning.

Seems a pity to collect this stuff and just leave it sit, removed from public view. Some keep their treasures tucked away, holding those hard won nuggets of history guarded and close. Others make the effort to bring their collections to the public, at shows and exhibitions, in order to share what they have learned and help preserve the history. I've elected to use the Internet to emulate the latter.