- Information Literacy Weblog

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Curating information literacy stories from around the world since 2005

There is a call for proposals for an online conference with opportunities for publication. Teaching beyond the curriculum will be held 15-17 November 2023 and abstracts are due 5 October 2023. The organisers are Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom; the University of Louisiana, United States; and Wenzhou-Kean University, China. "The number of ways we have thought about education over time is vast. From Socrates to John Dewey, and Jean Piaget to Paulo Freire, our understanding of learning has evolved and mo

A new book is: Watkins, A. & Kuglitsch, R.Z. (Eds.) (2023). Creators in the Academic Library: Instruction and Outreach. ACRL. US$72.00 (ALA members $64.80); ISBN 978-0-8389-3970-3 There are 17 chapters, including, for example: - Creative Research and Digital Visual Literacy: Teaching Students to Search for Images Online - Highlighting Engineers Diverse Information Sources Through Customized LibGuides For Engineering Design Courses - Creating Information-Literate Musicians in the Academic Library Information

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