Description: INHN
The International Network for the History of Neuropsychopharmacology (INHN) was first proposed in early 2012. It evolved from discussions among several editors involved in previous efforts to document the history of the field. An important impetus derived from these efforts has been the recognition of the lack of predictive success in psychotropic drug development and the need for education in the history of neuropsychopharmacolog in order to facilitate communication between neuropsychopharmacolgists of dif
Objectives: The Network, through its members, is committed to documenting, preserving and disseminating all contributions relevant to the history of neuropsychopharmacology. It will also analyze material relevant to contemporary research, education and mental health care to generate new information and educational material related to the history of the field. The raison d’etre of the Network is to facilitate communication between neuropsychopharmacologists of different generations and professional backgro
We will be using our website for posting educational - historical information and for establishing a continuous interaction with our membership.