- 所有彩票app下载-9亿彩票app下载

Description: 所有彩票app下载相信圣经是神默示的话语,正如在《旧约》和《新约》的66卷书中发现的那样.9亿彩票app下载相信这些圣经是最终的权威,所有人的行为都依此而行,信条,意见将被评判.所有彩票app下载相信这些经文在原文中是正确无误的,并被超自然地保存了下来.9亿彩票app下载接受圣经为基督教信仰和实践的唯一权威,把我们的教义建立在可靠的真理之上.我们相信钦定本译本是为说英语的人保存的神的话语,也是本教会唯一可接受的译本.

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At CCBC, our focus is on winning our community to Christ and helping our members to grow in their relationship with God. We hope that you will come and experience God's love for yourself by joining us for one of our worship services.

— Pastor Richard Perkins

Please Join Us * Please Join Us * Oct 22nd 1pm to 3pm Games Inflatables Popcorn Hotdogs

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