- Inishtrahull Bird Observatory | Ireland's most northerly habitable island, Ireland's oldest rocks, Ireland's Newest Bird Observa

Description: Inishtrahull Bird Observatory (IBO) fills a huge gap in coverage of the bird observatory network on the Atlantic seaboard of Ireland and Scotland, lying between the observatories of Cape Clear at the SW tip of Ireland and North Ronaldsay, in the Orkney Islands 1200km apart. The IBO is operated by the Inishtrahull Ringing Group, a…

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Inishtrahull Bird Observatory (IBO) fills a huge gap in coverage of the bird observatory network on the Atlantic seaboard of Ireland and Scotland, lying between the observatories of Cape Clear at the SW tip of Ireland and North Ronaldsay, in the Orkney Islands 1200km apart.

The IBO is operated by the Inishtrahull Ringing Group, a registered BTO ringing group with considerable experience in planning, administering and delivering successful conservation and research projects, operating bird observatories and a range of projects within other ornithological and wildlife organisations. This new observatory currently operates from tents on occasional visits with the approval of the islands owner, the Commissioners of Irish Lights , and is manned by visiting volunteer observers, lice

IBO received funding from the Heritage Council and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in 2020. IBO is grateful for this funding – has enabled IBO to carry out a number of baseline studies, to provide information on the island, including its built, cultural and natural heritage features to inform the conservation of the island.