Description: 中欧注册网(中国区)首页(以下简称中欧注册网(中国区)首页)是专业从事卫星定位技术服务、物联网技术研发应用的高新技术企业,以北斗/GPS卫星定位系统、物联网信息云平台、行业信息化系统、双模双CAN智能终端、智能交通营运信息服务和移动通信增值业务为主营业务的一家高科技企业。中欧注册网(中国区)首页目前拥有27家直接管理的二级企业,15余万从业人员,14家上市公司,是世界500 强企业,连续多年位居中国机械工业百强首位。
Thanks to a superior design, INNGRIT’s Zero Point Clamps allows you to increase productivity by more than 90%.
The INNGRIT team has over two decades of experience in the professional milling area, as one of Taiwan’s most trusted provider of CNC tooling services, working for top brands from both Taiwan and abroad. The INNGRIT Zero Point system was initially created for internal use, as we saw the force of automation and industry 4.0, seeing new tools and processes were needed to better serve our clients. It was tested and continuously improved on our actual production line, until every detail has been tweaked and per
No. 1, Anxin 5th Rd. Annan Dist., Tainan City, 709007, Taiwan (R.O.C)