Description: Innovation IP Services - A global IP documents provider. Focuses on patent information products, such as non-patent literature search, file histories, certified USPTO documents, certifications, apostilles & legalization, hand delivery to the USPTO locations including new filing.
apostille (282) certifications (238) assignments (103) legalization (59) california apostille (24) patent prosecuton history (2) patent file wrapper (2) certified file history (2) pto documents (2) patent information products (2)
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A Bit About Us Get your documents legalized today! Over 25 years of experience focused on providing friendly, quality service and affordable prices for authentications, legalizations, apostille certifications, patent file histories (e.g. domestic and foreign file wrappers), patent assignments, hand deliveries to the USPTO, certified patent documents, non-patent literature (e.g. prior art references) and any other patent-related documents. We are the solution to all your patent document needs.
We understand the importance of your documents; there is no need to waste your time trying to find the solution to your authentication, legalization, or patent document needs when the Innovation IP Services team can get your documents on time at competitive pricing. Connect with us today! Let us do the work.