- Valve Insert | Home of more than 40+ years Inserting valves. No System Shutdowns

Description: Over 40+ years of experience installing valves that will keep your system running smoothly for years to come without shutting down the system or draining.

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Example domain paragraphs

16” - 20” PCCP • Ductile Iron • Cast Iron • A/C-Transite and Steel Pipe Pratt Groundhog® is a Trademark of Henry Pratt Company, LLC Delaware Maichel-Angelo&reg is a trademark of Jeff Maichel • Patents Pending USA • Canada • Japan

Meets or exceeds AWWA C515 Specs on A/C, Steel, PVC, Ductile Iron, or Cast Iron pipe. 4" 6" 8" 10" & 12"

Hydra-Stop’s Insta-Valve™ Plus provides a means to install a permanent valve into a main without interrupting flow through the pipe and without reducing line pressure. Call 1-800-279-5659