- [insert life here]

Example domain paragraphs

Not sure where to begin. Sorry for the comic hiatus? Sorry for the lack of an update? Sorry for just…disappearing? Most ( ALL ) of that is my fault. Not to get too into detail about my life, but right after switching to Chosen, I entered a brief period of ( f )unemployment, where I had to focus on more pressing issues than drawing. However, as the above comic hints at ( like a 50-ton metaphor to the face ), I got a job. A good job. One that I consider to be my dream job, which was ( and still is ) amazing.

…but as time went on, I came to realize that Diagnosed was too dark to be the last Insert Life Here comic. I had to end on an upbeat ( you keep saying ‘end’, you know that’s a lie, right? ) comic, and I figured the story of Dream Job would be fitting.

And so, here it is. In all of it’s glory, and all of it’s horror.