- Inspect It First of Andover | Home & Radon Inspections Minnesota

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If you’re either purchasing or selling a home, one of the items that you’ll need to check off your to-do list is a home inspection. There are a whole host of companies to choose from in the Andover area, but Inspect It First of Andover has been a leader in delivering high quality and timely home inspections for many years.

Our team of certified home inspectors takes each home inspection seriously to ensure our client’s needs are always met. At Inspect It First of Andover, we look at every home we inspect as if it were our own.

Inspect It First of Andover is a member of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors. In addition, Inspect It First of Andover is certified by the Minnesota Department of Health, SIPI Certified, Radon Certified and a member of the Better Business Bureau.

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