- Xia Leon Sloane - InspirArts

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After having improvised music for six years, Xia Leon Sloane, born in 2000, began taking formal composition lessons at the age of 12. Since then, they have been a composer with Aldeburgh Young Musicians , The National Youth Orchestra and the Britten Sinfonia Academy  as well as a First Study Composer at the Royal College of Music Junior Department . They have been fortunate enough to have been selected as the winner of The Cambridge Young Composer of the Year , the Joan Weller Composition Prize , The Humphr

In summer 2021, Xia graduated from the Royal Northern College of Music  with First-Class Honours as a Principal Study Composer under the tutelage of  Professor Emily Howard,  Dr Laura Bowler and  Steven Daverson.  In 2021, they started a one year intensive Master in Composition and  Musicology at the RNCM studying with Dr Laura Bowler and Steven Daverson and they graduated in July 2022 with a Distinction. Xia hopes to undertake training as a therapist, supporting healing through trauma-informed verbal, embo

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