- Instadrone - The reference for many drone services

Description: Since 2014, we offer a wide range of drone services in France and worldwide. Our customers' requests are honoured by our network of remote pilots.

Example domain paragraphs

NETWORK SERVICES Telecommunication Panoramic Inspection Microwave Targeting Pathloss Report Roof modeling Prospecting Assistance Topography Photogrammetry Bathymetry Multispectral Lidar Modelisation Structures BIM Examples of Achievements Inspection Sampling Engineering structure Wind Farm Thermal inspection Worksite monitoring Underwater inspection and aquatic sampling Agricultural Services Instadrone’s Formation Formation UgCS Formation DJI Phantom 4 RTK Map Pilot Formation NEWS CONTACT US English Françai

All our professional pilots are qualified and all our UAVs are certified and insured .

The territorial meshing of our network allows us to intervene on the whole of France and abroad .

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