- Be Conscious…

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Aurodarshan Trust came into existence on April 4, 1981 it was a dream vision of Prof. Madhusudan Reddy. He wanted to build “an academy of seeker-souls with a spiritual focus”. When this dream was presented to the Mother, She approved.

Matridarshan is a sister Trust of Institute of Human Study. Founded with the presence and blessings of the Mother’s close disciple, Shri Champaklal in 1984. The primary aim of this Trust is to bring the rural folk under the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother by means of education and other skill development programmes, cottage industries and farming.

School is established with the Mother’s blessings in 1967. The school follows the principles of Integral Education, as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It implements child centric educational practices and has to its credit 100% results in ICSE/ISC till date.

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