- Insurance Territory

Description: What Is Coverage Territory In Insurance?, What Is Territory Z Insurance?, A Day in the Life of a Territory Manager with an Insurance Carrier using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, The Five Minute Territory Plan, Kingdom Insurance Group - Territory Manager

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A territory is a term for types of administrative division , usually an area that is under the jurisdiction of a state . In most countries' terminology, such as the United States and Nigeria , it refers to an organized division of an area that is under control of a country but not formally developed into, or incorporated into, a political unit of that country of equal status to other political units such as states or provinces. In international politics , the term is used particularly in reference to a non-

Common types of territory include:

The provinces and territories of Canada combine to make up the world's second-largest country by area. In 1867, three provinces of British North America— New Brunswick , Nova Scotia and the Province of Canada (which, on the formation of Canada , was divided into Ontario and Quebec )—were united to form the new nation. Since then, Canada's external borders have changed several times, and the country has grown from the original four provinces to ten provinces and three territories. The ten provinces are Alber