- InsurAPI - Curated APIs for the insurance industry

Description: Free respository of open insurance, finance related APIs including xml, REST and others.

insurance (10282) developer (9002) data (5470) startup (4377) index (3625) api (2432) publisher (1456) carrier (669) insurtech (123) reinsurer (17)

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Library of APIs for the insurance industry.

New technologies, from blockchain to artificial intelligence, from cloud computing to smartphones, are driving change in the insurance industry. Some would argue the most important is the rise of APIs. Carriers, reinsurers, and insurtech startups across the globe are creating APIs. Developers in property & casualty, commercial insurance, life, health, and even in Pet Insurance are deploying APIs across the tech stack.

There’s never been a single place to find insurance-related APIs … until now! aspires to be the only place you need to go to discover what functionality is available by API, and to be the best place to publish and let the world know about the APIs you have built. insurAPI is a simple, searchable, industry-specific portal for any and all insurance APIs. Best of all, it’s free!