- INTCO Medical - Premier Wheelchair Factory & Power Wheelchair Suppliers

Description: Discover INTCO Medical, a leading wheelchair factory with high-quality, foldable manual wheelchairs. As a power wheelchair supplier, we ensure comfort and durability transportation.

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您的浏览器不支持 video 标签。 NEWS COMPANY NEWS TRADE SHOW 19 2022-05 INTCO MEDICAL exhibited at Hospitalar 20222 in Bra... On 17th May, the Hospitalar 2022 was grandly inaugurated in St. Paulo, Brazil.INTCO MEDICAL made a stunning appearance with a series of medical consum

Recently, The outbreak of epidemic in Shanghai draws attention of national people. When disaster strikes,help comes from all sides. All over the count

       The new round epidemic is coming and the pressure of epidemic prevention is increasing. At one half o’clock, on March 12th,

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