Description: Our unique video game helps students learn integrated human anatomy, systems physiology, and biochemistry. The game provides an interactive and immersive supplement to traditional medical classes. Integrate Ed, Inc.'s goal is to help pre-med, MEDPREP, first year PA, and preclinical MD and DO students better understand and retain foundational medical concepts.
osteopath (800) medical education (287) osteopathic medicine (33) premed (17) medprep (3) integrate ed (2) medical video game (2) serious video game (2) physcian assistant (2)
Learn about the game
Integrate Ed is developing a unique video game designed to teach human anatomy integrated with systems physiology and some biochemistry. The game aims to provide an interactive and immersive supplement to traditional medical school education methods. Our goal is to help pre-med, MEDPREP, first year PA, and preclinical MD and DO students better understand and retain foundational medical concepts.