- International Literature

Description: Read. Learn. Explore. | Lesen. Lernen. Entdecken.

lesson (702) tagebuch (118) nicholls (13) blicher (3) galgut (1) bruchstücke (1) dorfküsters (1) galgut; south africa; literature lutz hübner; wortmann; film; theater weihnachtsfrieden; james krüss; robert graves

Example domain paragraphs

Read. Learn. Explore. | Lesen. Lernen. Entdecken.

In post-apartheid Cape Town or Johannesburg one may find the highest standards of medical care. In the small rural hospital in a poverty-stricken former homeland the very opposite is true. Doctors work with little equipment, without professionally trained nurses and without the slightest hope of ever changing the situation. Frank Eloff has long given up on the idea of improving things in this desolate place, but newcomer Laurence Waters is determined to make a difference. If this make him a “good doctor” –

„Damon Galgut, The Good Doctor (Lesson Plan 2)“ weiterlesen