- International Pipe - Geothermal Pipe - Hi-Density Poly-ethylene Pipe - Industrial Pipe Fittings - Winnipeg Manitoba

Description: International Pipe specializes in manufacturing premium quality HDPE pipe that is built specifically for each application. Our production lines versatile structure allows for us to produce custom orders that meet the specifications of each job with precision and efficiency, while providing relatively short turnaround times.

gas pipe (10) industrial pipe fittings (6) geopipe (2) geothermal pipe (1) hi-density poly-ethylene pipe (1) extruded industrial pipe (1) heat fusion fittings (1) heat fusion training (1) fiber optic pipe (1) c448 standard pipe (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Specializes in manufacturing premium quality HDPE pipe that is built specifically for each application. Our production lines versatile structure allows for us to produce custom orders that meet the specifications of each job with precision and efficiency, while providing relatively short turnaround times. By working directly with large consumer bodies on various projects we have gained the ability to place greater emphasis on the end use of our product to ensure that it is of the highest quality for its int

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Vestibulum lobortis eros vel odio egestas sed pulvinar mauris lobortis. In tempus laoreet scelerisque.