- Interpreting Signs

Description: Sign Language Interpreters in the UK tell it like it is

politics (4046) outsourcing (2921) procurement (875) deaf (431) interpreting (367) sign language (197) bsl (94) privatisation (46) british sign language (27) bsl interpreter (2)

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I wish I had time to keep this blog updated. It is a bit hard when at Signalise HQ, things are all go! I’m going to tell you why we need you to invest and what is in it for you…

The background to the co-op is being a group of interpreters and Deaf people who can come together and design better interpreting services, also using technology, in a way that benefits all users including the organisations who pay for our services.

In order to win contracts and build the business, faster than normal, we need investment. Why? To be in the best place we can be to gain contracts and affect change. Your investment will pay for business infrastructure and more innovation to enable us to reduce overheads and have competitive pricing, innovate, offer added value, support our communities.