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Description: CloudEVM is a Earned Value Management software and incorporates all of the latest technology to insure ANSI-748 compliance.

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We believe in making it easier for people to see, use, manage, create and exchange vital information by understanding what they are trying to do and designing technology to help them do it. We put people at the center of our technology to help solve problems and capture value more quickly and accurately for better business decisions. We believe in making data work for people to reduce costs, mitigate risks, and make life easier for them and their organizations.

WebEVM and CloudEVM have been designed with the user in mind. WebEVM is a browser-based, private Intranet Solution while CloudEVM is a browser-based Cloud Solution. Both platforms are the third evolution of our Earned Value software and incorporate all of the latest technology. Beyond the technology, our focus has been on the user experience. WebEVM and CloudEVM are continually evolving and rely on input from the customer community to make sure we are delivering the best solution for the ever- changing need

Enterprise Automation Company Customer News Contact Brochure Menu Enterprise Automation Company Customer News Contact Brochure Earned Value Management Enterprise Automation Whether it’s a year or 10 years’ worth of accounting and project management data for a single project or multiple projects across the enterprise, WebEVM runs complete projects in minutes – not hours or days. Spend less time gathering and dealing with data turbulence and more time analyzing information across more projects managed and sch