- In This Corner of the World | Official Website

Description: This is the Official Site for 'In This Corner of the World'. An animated movie directed by Sunao Katabuchi and based on the works of Fumiyo Kouno. Set in the city of Kure, Hiroshima during World War II, this beautiful animation follows young Suzu as she loses everything except her positive attitude and teaches us the value of everyday life.

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The acclaimed actress Non plays the main character Suzu and according to Director Sunao Katabuchi, he cannot imagine anyone else for the role. Her gentle and soft voice is accompanied by the voice acting skills and talent of Yoshimasa Hosoya, Natsuki Inaba, Minori Omi, Daisuke Ono, Megumi Han, Nanase Iwai, Ushiro Shimane and Mayumi Shinya. Even Shochiku’s Tengai Shibuya has a special appearance. Kotringo is in charge of the music, making her incredibly naturally soft voice a sweet caress that gently envelop

The previous film by Sunao Katabuchi, “Mai Mai Miracle” (2009), which won the Excellence Award at the 14th Annual Media Arts Festival, greatly resonated among the audiences and achieved an exceptional long-run screenings. Now, based on a several year process of accumulating documents, field survey and an unprecendented amount of interviews, his incredibly thorough research brings us to Suzu’s endearing everyday life. As for the original works, the manga won the first prize in the 13th Media Arts Festival Ma

The campaign was called “I want to see this movie” and gathered 39,121,920 yens for its initial production funding from 3,374 supporters. “In this Corner of the World” happened thanks to these voices from all over Japan, and those voices have turn into a light that will continue to shine for many, many others. This film that they helped create will undoubtedly be loved for the next 100 years.

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