- The Hermitage

Description: The Hermitage - Paintings in a minor key

Example domain paragraphs

G REETINGS to you all, should you still be here on this quietest of blogs! This is a small note to you from the depths of my busy creative, mothering days as we descend into another wintering. As you might be able to see in the photo above, taken by Tom recently, I am pregnant with our second child! We await their arrival any day with tender and jubilant expectation. As this year turns into next, we will be four! Here, I am standing with our son inside a Bronze Age hut circle on Dartmoor, marvelling at the

Written by Rima Staines at 3:48 pm 5 words from others

Tags: art , artists , blogging , childbirth , children , dartmoor , family , motherhood , news , patreon , pregnancy , support

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