Description: An intuitive and heart centered healer who uses a variety of healing tools such as Quantum Healing, EFT, Sound Healing, Meridian Therapy, Energy Center Balancing, Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Meditation, and more.
energy healing (1149) chakra healing (87) quantum healing (82) meridian healing (1)
Quantum healing is an alternative and holistic healing that harnesses the energy of your life force (chi or prana) to bring about shifts from within. Through the intuitive connection with your energy, we work together to uncover the root cause(s) of your blocks or dis-ease and then I delicately weave various Energetic Healing modalities together to restore the balance which enables healing to take place.
Kinesiology, Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing, Guided Visualisation, Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), Aromatherapy, Shadow Work, Inner Child Work, Past Life Regression, Energetic Rebirth, Energy Channeling and Crystal Healing are some of the tools used to amplify the healing energy.
Chronic pain, conditions or disease