- Welcome to the Inventor Home site connecting you to information and resources for inventors

Description: Links, resources, and information for people who think they have a shot at being a successful inventor.

patent (1250) licensing (830) inventor (408) invent (113) uspto (84) provisional patent (10) provisional application (5)

Example domain paragraphs

Be aware that as of February 1 of 2007 the US PTO ended the Disclosure Document Program, in essence they caved in to their real constituency--patent practitioners--and gave them yet one more easy opportunity to screw over ignorant independent inventors. I'll get that information on this site fixed as soon as I can get to it.)

Go directly to the box for: USPTO , EPO , Google , Scams , Clubs , Manufacturers , Fundamentals , Business Help , Licensing .

WARNING: Some of the resources below are just web sites but others get you to PEOPLE. DO NOT ABUSE those people just because you can contact them. Nobody wants to deal with a flake who has some half baked ideas that he/she is not personally willing to do SUBSTANTIAL homework on. It is STRONGLY suggested that you have read and understood at least 2 books (you pick them) on the idea-to-market process AND that you have studied and understand the prior art and the marketplace of your invention BEFORE you try to