recording (2791) monitoring (2301) facial (1860) muscle (564) operation (493) emg (180) nerve (112) stimulation (67) intraoperative (13) ssep (5)

Example domain paragraphs

The main purpose of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring is to reduce postoperative neurological deficits, but more recently it has become apparent that intraoperative recording of sensory evoked potentials and electromyographic (EMG) potentials can also aid the surgeon during many operations. The use of intraoperative monitoring of sensory evoked potentials and EMG potentials to reduce permanent postoperative deficits is based on the assumption that changes in recordable electrical responses occur as

Monitoring of brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) during operations in which the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) may be manipulated is now widespread, and the use of monitoring to reduce the incidence of hearing loss due to surgical manipulation of the vestibulocochlear nerve is steadily increasing. However, intraoperative monitoring of visual evoked potentials (VEPS), has not gained similar acceptance, mainly because of the technical problems involved in generating a suitable stimulu

The most frequent use of intraoperative monitoring of SSEPs is in operations involving the spinal cord, in which such monitoring is now well established. More recently, intraoperative transcranial stimulation of the motor cortex, by using either a high-voltage electrical stimulation or a strong magnetic field impulse in connection with recording of EMG potentials from the motor system, has been introduced to reduce intraoperative injuries to the spinal cord.

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