Description: iON Informatics offers services on health information technology, informatics, and analytics advisory to optimize and transform clinical care delivery operations.
health (21280) informatics (230) health information (134) ion (124) clinical care (27) health information technology (23) analytics consulting (17) delivery operations (4) ion informatics (3) analytics advisory (3)
February 8, 2018: iON Informatics, LLC is pleased to announce that the Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved a Mentor Protégé Agreement with Dovel Technologies, LLC under its All Small Mentor-Protégé Program (ASMPP).
iON Informatics, LLC provides health information technology, informatics, analytics, research and development, and policy advisory and consulting services to help our clients achieve their goals. At iON, we design and implement comprehensive, yet tailored approaches, providing practical solutions that are mindful of our client’s aspirations, resources, budget, schedule, culture, and organizational dynamics. We approach every engagement as a strategic partnership. iON differentiates itself by bringing stron