ip-holdings.com - Patent Licensing | Patent Enforcement | Patent Broker

Description: IP Holdings is the IP-Centric Merchant Banking Affiliate of General Patent Corporation

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Patent Enforcement : General Patent Corporation, a leading patent licensing and enforcement, and IP consulting services firm Patent Brokerage : IPOfferings, premier patent broker Patent Legislation : American Innovators for Patent Reform, the trade association for the innovation community Patent Office : U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

IP Holdings is the IP-centric merchant banking affiliate of General Patent Corporation (GPC), a leading patent licensing and patent enforcement firm. When GPC agrees to represent a patent holder in the monetization of the patentee’s patent(s), a technology development company is established, usually an LLC, to which the patents are transferred. Either General Patent or IP Holdings and the patentee become members of the LLC which is the vehicle for the development, commercialization and monetization of the p

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