iphysiciansforum.com - Innovative Physicians Forum

Description: IPF is a platform which brings together intellectuals, clinical scientists and researchers from the field of internal medicine and allied subjects and super specialties. The ideology of the IPF is to discuss and present the science in its most unbiased form. IPF is open to new ideas and innovative ways of exchanging the knowledge amongst the professionals. IPF also gives you immense opportunities to associate with other likeminded professionals, researchers & scientist in our endeavor to enrich knowledge in

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From the desk of Patron

I get overwhelmed when I see the enthusiasm in our Team IPF which is progressing by leaps & bounds.

A group of like minded physicians meet, decide to organize academic activities which are need based, soon convert it into a registered body, an official organ takes birth as a IPF E-News Letter & then for wider visibility, emerges a webpage.