Description: provides world-class consulting services to the oil and gas companies using state-of-the-art geosciences and engineering technologies. Learn about our consulting services for oil & gas reservoir characterization through fluid flow simulation.
oil and gas (739) geophysics (162) energy industry (51) reservoir management (22) reservoir engineering (11) reservoir characterization (5) reservoir modeling (5) ireservoir (1) iproject (1) dynamic reservoir (1)
Topic: “Mapping and calibration of natural fractures properties from 3D poststack seismic data”
Thursday, 14 Sep 2017 11:30 AM -1:30 PM Location: Rock Bottom Brewery provides world-class consulting services in reservoir characterization and simulation to oil and gas companies using state-of-the-art geoscience and engineering technologies. Our 17 years of distinctive projects competencies and competitive advantage are embodied in the breadth of technical expertise and diverse experience we provide, specifically in the area of integrated reservoir characterization, calibrated geophysics, geomodeling, reservoir engineering and simulation, reservoir managemen