- IRT 2024 TOKYO

Description: The initiative of organizing the International Roundtables (IRTs) was taken by Drs. Jean-Louis Imbach and Leroy Townsend, to have a biannual platform to discuss nucleoside chemistry and its biological applications, and later expanded to include nucleotides and nucleic acids.

東京 (14273) 日本 (2311) tokyo (1623) irt (25) japana (2)

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The initiative of organizing the International Roundtables (IRTs) was taken by Drs. Jean-Louis Imbach and Leroy Townsend, to have a biannual platform to discuss nucleoside chemistry and its biological applications, and later expanded to include nucleotides and nucleic acids. The first meeting was organized in Montpellier in 1974 and subsequently, IRTs have taken place in the US, Europe, and Japan. Today over 400 attendees from academia and industry gather to discuss cutting-edge research in medicinal chemis

September 3 - 6 2024 Tokyo University of Science

Deadline: April 5, 2024 (Fri.)

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