Description: IRT3000 is the only specialised professional magazine in Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian language to comprehensively and regularly inform its readers about achievements and best practices from advanced technical and industrial branches. Our goal is to promote the transfer of knowledge and new technologies to the industry by linking many different segments while maintaining rich and multidisciplinary content.
development (16834) magazine (9018) research (8920) technologies (1131) innovations (418) toolmaking (54) advanced technologies (24) machine building (22) non-metals (3) irt3000 (2)
The IRT3000 magazine keeps the readers up to date with the latest results and developmental trends in the field of processing metal and non-metal materials, automation and IT, manufacturing and logistics, IT-technologies and other advanced technologies, as well as with important and useful news about innovations, developmental projects, technological development and business achievements of companies and institutions from the academia and enterprise sector.
Revija IRT3000 prinaša bralcem najnovejše rezultate in smeri razvoja na področju predelave kovinskih in nekovinskih materialov, avtomatizacije in informatizacije, proizvodnje in logistike, IT-tehnologij in drugih naprednih tehnologij, pa tudi veliko pomembnih in koristnih informacij o inoviranju, razvojnih projektih, tehnološkem razvoju in poslovnih dosežkih inštitucij in podjetij iz znanstvenoraziskovalne sfere in gospodarstva.
Časopis IRT3000 donosi čitateljima najnovije rezultate i smjernice na područjima prerade metalnih i nemetalnih materijala, automatizacije i informatizacije, proizvodnje i logistike, IT-tehnologija i drugih suvremenih tehnologija, a također i mnoštvo korisnih informacija o inovacijama, razvojnim projektima, tehnološkom razvoju i poslovnim postignućima institucija i tvrtki iz znanstveno-istraživačke sfere i gospodarstva.