- My Portfolio

Example domain paragraphs

I'm open to opportunites in the areas of Machine Learning and Data Science. In particular, I'm interested in using machine learning (especially deep learning) to solve real world problems. I have created this site as my expanded portfolio where I describe my previous work in detail. If you want just the highlights please download my resume above. DO NOT contact me about ANY data engineering positions! I'm NOT interested in roles that focus on building pipelines or supporting data science teams. The same goe

My Work Loading the data just for you. The majority of my projects and contributions are open-source and on GitHub. I founded and currently lead the PyData Orono Meetup group . I'm also a Kaggle competitions expert, however I have not competed in several years. You can see my data science results on Kaggle by clicking here . Finally, I have written many articles on Medium in Towards Data Science some of which are listed in the writing section .

Feel free to contact me regarding opportunities, networking, my projects/PaddleSoft, or just to discuss technology in general.