- Kaga and Hakusan – Rich History and Finest Onsen

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In order to ensure that your visit to the Kaga-Hakusan area is as safe and risk-free as possible during the Coronavirus pandemic, hotels and travel related businesses have implemented a series of health and safety measures in accordance with guidelines drawn up by the Japanese government.   The following measures have been implemented for staff working in the tourism industry who come into contact with guests / visitors:

  •Staff to wear face masks when dealing with guests •Strict enforcement of hand washing and coughing etiquette •Disinfection of public areas throughout accommodation and tourist facilities •Regular ventilation of enclosed areas at accommodation and tourist facilities •Regular checks of temperature and physical condition of employees, with staff forbidden to work if they have a temperature of 37.5°C or higher or if they are feeling unwell   Additionally, the prefecture of Ishikawa, in which all cities are l

1) Maintain social distancing and avoid the 3 C’s that risk infection (avoid Closed spaces, Crowds, and Close-contact situations) *The World Health Organisation has also been promoting this advice recently regarding the 3 C’s. 2) Wear a mask in public spaces 3) Wash and disinfect hands regularly     We thank you for your cooperation in helping to ensure a safe and healthy travel experience for everyone.

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