- ISIC - International Student Identity Card

Description: International Student Identity Card (ISIC) provides thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community.

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The ISIC Association is the non-profit organisation behind the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted proof of bona fide student status. Our mission First created by students in 1953, the ISIC card is now issued to students in Read more

The ISIC card was first created by students for students in 1953. The decision to create the ISIC card was an initiative of the Norwegian and Dutch Union of Students, supported by the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (COSEC) of Denmark. Together at Read more

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted, UNESCO endorsed proof of bona fide student status. An ISIC card offers students over the age of 12 access to fantastic benefits and services the world over. Visit for details.