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It causes one to earn many thawâbs [rewards] to learn, to teach and to read the Qur'ân al-karîm. One must learn how to read the Qur'ân al-karîm compatibly with tajwîd [Tajwîd is the branch of knowledge teaching how to read the Qur’ân al-kerîm correctly]. One should try to read or recite it every day even a little!

The silsila (chain) which includes such religious superiors as Bahaaddîn-i Bukhârî, Imâm-i Rabbânî, and Mawlâna Khâlid-i Baghdâdî is termed Silsila-i ‘Aliyya, which means the Exalted Chain. It is also termed Silsilat-uz-Zahab, which means the Golden Chain.

Namâz is the main pillar of the religion. He who performs his namâzes constantly, correctly and completely will have set up his religion and he will have made the building of Islam stay intact. Those who do not perform namâz will have demolished their religion and the building of Islam. Our Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam” said, “The head of our religion is namâz.” As no human can live without a head, it is not possible to have religion without namâz.