Description: Help us recover from our legal battle and continue our critical coverage of First Amendment issues.
journalism (1248) free speech (146) first amendment (49) free press (26) techdirt (2)
As you may know, over the past 2-plus years, Techdirt was involved in a lawsuit that amounted to a First Amendment fight for its life . At the beginning of the ordeal, we asked for your help to survive it — in particular to allow us to continue our reporting while the lawsuit was ongoing — and your support was critical in helping us see the fight through. When a settlement first seemed imminent, we stopped asking for donations because we did not wish to mislead anyone into believing that we were raising mon
Journalism and vigorous public debate are critical to our democracy, and in the age of corporate media, independent voices are more important than ever. Recently, we’ve witnessed a pattern of attacks on the free press from both the private sector and the government, up to and including the President himself. Our situation is just one example of that pattern, but it’s an important one.
Attacks like these are designed to stifle public discourse — and they’ve often been successful. If you believe in supporting strong independent journalism that will stand up to such attacks, please donate to the Techdirt Survival Fund today.