- IT for SHE - Home

Description: Celem programu "it for she" jest pomoc utalentowanym studentkom kierunków informatycznych w wejściu na rynek pracy. Jego elementy to: największy w europie obóz dla dziewczyn w IT, program mentoringowy w najlepszych firmach technologicznych, oraz kampania wolontariacka na wsiach i w małych miejscowościach, zachęcająca do nauki programowania.

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The goal of the IT for SHE program is to help talented women studying IT with entering the job market. It includes: Europe’s biggest themed camp for young women in IT – Women in Tech Camp, a mentoring program at the best technology companies and a volunteering campaign in small towns, encouraging children to learn programming.

In November 2019 will be organized - the largest event for women in technologies in this part of the world - Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit .

Mentors 2021

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