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People’s Network Hefei July 17th (Wang Ruihua) RMB deposit balance billion yuan, distributed Puxian small and micro credit loan billion, issued the bonds management of the People’s Bank of China, 285.4 billion yuan, cross-border RMB payment amount 100 million … this … It is a "period high school entrance examination" transcript of the People’s Bank[…]

On November 16th, the newspaper has issued the article "A Liquid Gas Station without a LNG County for many years" has attracted the local county committee and county government highly attach great importance to the multi-sectoral action of Baishui County.Thoroughly remove and ban. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter learned from the Baishu County Committee Propaganda Department.[…]

  This newspaper (reporter Liu Xiaodong) On November 17, the Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission held the Organ Cadial Conference to announce the decision of the central government’s main leadership of the Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection. Shi Taifeng, Party Secretary of the Autonomous Region, Shi Taifeng, director of the Standing Committee of[…]