- ITS2011 | Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces

Description: ITS 2011, an ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces will be held in Oct. 30 - Nov 2, 2011 at Kobe, Japan.

acm (224) international conference (217) human-computer interaction (159) surfaces (105) multi-touch (44) tabletops (30)

Example domain paragraphs

ITS 2012 will be held in Cambridge, MA, USA! Please visit the official website of ITS 2012 , Twitter , Facebook , and Google+ .

The Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2011 Conference (ITS) is a premiere venue for presenting research in the design and use of new and emerging tabletop and interactive surface technologies. As a new community, we embrace the growth of the discipline in a wide variety of areas, including innovations in ITS hardware, software, design, and projects expanding our understanding of design considerations of ITS technologies and of their applications.

Building on their success in previous years, ITS again features Papers and Notes presentations, as well as tutorials, posters, demonstrations tracks and a doctorla symposium.