iwannabefamous.com - iWannaBeFamous!

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I wanna be famous because, well, because I’m known as “Toronto Jim”, Jim Vanderberg from Toronto Canada (also known as James Vanderberg) Everyone in Toronto knows me as Toronto Jim, and I’m a small business owner, just about to become a large business owner. […]

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I wanna be famous because, honestly, my humor is top-tier, and I’m tired of explaining it to people who just don’t get me. You know those moments when you drop an absolute gem of a joke, but instead of laughter, you’re met with confused stares and that awkward silence that feels like an eternity? Yeah, it’s exhausting. My wit is quick, my references are sharp, and my sarcasm is subtle yet brilliant. But for some reason, the world just isn’t ready for my comedic genius.

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