izolatory.com.pl - Izolatory przepustowe, energetyczne, wsporcze.

Description: Izolator wsporczy oraz izolatory wsporcze, przepustowe, do szynoprzewodów, uchwyty do mocowania szyn. Izolatory palcowe. Wykonane z lanego tworzywa - energetyczne, sn, nn.

sn (53) nn (44) energetyczne (27) izolatory (7) izolator (6) wsporcze (1) wsporczy (1) przepustowy (1) przepustowe (1)

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Tel: 12 261 05 61

We offer high quality insulators made of polyester material reinforced with fiberglass c or epoxy resin. They are characterized by high mechanical strength and excellent electrical parameters.

Our isolators are suitable for use in indoor conditions. They are used among other things for fixing rails in switchboards, transformers.