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Email | Twitter | Github | Linkedin I am a PostDoc member of the Aarhus Crypto Group . My PhD at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was awarded the DTU Compute scholarship. I hold a BSc from the University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to my PhD in computer science, I designed flight hardware for Mars missions at JPL NASA in Pasadena, advised global technology clients at the Boston Consulting Group, co-founded data-science startups in Switzerland Eturnity , Siroop and contributed to open-source l
I am interested in Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Cryptographic Protocols for all domains.
During my PhD, I studied a class of smart contract applications called Decentralized Finance and characterized their economic security properties with formal verification techniques, identifying (front-running) vulnerabilities due to a lack of privacy. In response, my collaborators and I deployed advanced cryptography to design novel protocols which deliver input fairness in the permissionless setting and general, privacy-preserving smart contracts in the presence of static committees.