jackinabarrel.co.uk - Jack in a Barrel

Description: The official website of Jack in a Barrel, 'Acapella folk at its best!'

folk (2911) singing (1868) folk music (671) harmony (636) bedfordshire (557) acapella (214) turvey (9)

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Jack in a Barrel are a seven-piece acapella group based in Bedfordshire. They have been performing regularly at folk clubs and festivals since forming in 2018, and recorded their debut album, “I Know Not Where I Live” in 2019. JiaB sing a range of traditional and “sounds traditional” songs from standards like John Ball to more reflective numbers like John Tams’ Devonshire Carol, taking in the odd shanty and music hall number along the way.

They make the most of the seven voices in their arrangements, whether it’s to create a Wall of Sound or to produce close, squishy harmonies. There are always plenty of opportunities to join in, so come ready to sing. And watch out for their Spotty Dick.