jacksonscomp.co.za - Jacksons Computers - IT Support Specialists

Description: IT hardware & software sales & support, including system design, network implementation & maintenance, internet connectivity & accounts applications.

adsl (11423) it support (2718) 3g (342) computer sales (308) network design (249) system design (150) hsdpa (28) network implementation (15) iburst (11) server sales (4)

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Minimise IT downtime - every business owner's nightmare! Jacksons Computers specialises in optimising IT systems and keeping them running smoothly.

Jacksons Computers was founded in 1995 and has continued servicing and supporting a wide variety of clients’ IT requirements since that time. 

With Member experience in the South African IT industry since 1982, we have a fully qualified, highly motivated technical, administration and sales team ready to support you.