jaepierce.xyz - Jae Pierce

Description: which in latin means, “Strength in Body, Peace in Mind, Devotion to God.” The core of my discipline is the pursuit of a life deeply rooted in spiritual practice, where the physical and mental disciplines serve as vital tools to support my journey toward God. Inspired by the monastic tradition, I seek to cultivate a balanced life that prioritizes spiritual growth while maintaining the physical and mental strength necessary to sustain it.

christian (11204) bible (6379) catholic (2834) traditional (1968) prayer (1905) discipline (383) kjv (358) berean (25) dispensationalism (7) sedevacantism (6)

Example domain paragraphs

Yes, this website is a 90's throwback, do I care? Nope! You are free to leave if it 'triggers' you.

Also, if you don't like lists then you should also probably leave now too.

You won't find any posts or articles here, just the odd paragraph, bullet-points and maybe some relevant links (which will open in a new tab).