jafi-autokut.hu - Scope of activities of JÁFI-Autókut

Description: Scope of activities of JÁFI-Autókut

development (16338) engineering (9902) test (4301) ece (111) e-mark (35) vehicle type approval (4) jáfi (2) autókut (2)

Example domain paragraphs

JÁFI-AUTÓKUT is a designated  European vehicle test centre  carrying out  European Type Approval  tests in accordance with the requirements of EEC and EC directives, EU and UN/ECE regulations (e-marks, E-marks). ( https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/ECE_TRANS_WP.29_343_Rev.30_Add.1E.pdf )

We are official Technical Service both for Hungarian and Slovenian National Vehicle Authorities. (See https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents?tags=technical-service-auto&pageSize=30&sortCol=title&sortOrder=asc )

Links to jafi-autokut.hu (1)