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Description: James Fisher and Sons plc is a leading provider of specialist services to the marine, oil and gas and other global, high assurance industries.

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A leader with global impact The diversity of our solutions and our global reach enables us to solve some of the most demanding challenges our customers face around the world.

Pioneering sustainably for 175 years In 2022, we marked the 175th anniversary of James Fisher. Read our story to follow our journey from traditional shipping company to global provider of engineering solutions.

James Fisher and Sons plc appoints new Group General Counsel James Fisher and Sons plc announces new Head of Defence James Fisher Subtech cements commitment to UK offshore energy industry with seasonal charter agreement for IRM and construction vessel Health and safety Our stakeholders Vacancies Investor news James Fisher serves a diverse range of global sectors across three key markets: Energy Supporting growth across the energy mix, with the responsible delivery of world-leading services to the oil and ga

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